25 days of hot yoga and thankful thoughts- day three
today’s class: 90 min of hot deep stretch
thankful thought of the day #3 – my loving husband

dear mr. monaco,
hey darling.
i just wanted to let you know how much i absolutely love you.
thank you for being such a supportive husband.
thank you for listening to me talk on and on sometimes!
thank you for encouraging me with your love and concern.
i just wanted you to know that i love you.
that even if we have bumps in the road, we will always have each other-
that will never ever change.
that feels so good.
thank you for loving me without borders or exceptions.
You are mine forever, and I yours.

tonight i could not help but compare my practice to friday night’s deep stretch class
i felt like my energy has been restored
and learned that time is time–
embrace it.
… feeling amazing so far!
are you sure you don’t want to join me?