christmas snapshots


“anticipation lifts the heart. desire is created to be fulfilled- perhaps not all at once, more likely in slow stages… A softening of hard-heartedness, a lively expectation, would herald the coming of Messiah. And once again, in this season of Advent, the same promise for the same Anointed One is coming closer.” – luci shaw

this song

winter scenes for my small vintage shop / booth 
i had a customer share a photo of my booth during the golden hour last month and shared on instagram 
it really made me happy to see others enjoying this space 

a scene from my antique booth  + so many dreams for this space (hopefully soon) 

i found this vintage santa for $15 at the end of last season + couldn’t wait to add him to our porch for all the years to come

our first year decorating our new home for the holidays
we kept it pretty simple + had fun together doing it
our tree had holes, which i secretly loved
lots of natural elements + heirlooms + taper candles throughout 

my husband and i enjoyed a day date on 12.22 in a cute town near where i grew up … we strolled a market, a used bookstore, picked up fresh bread, met santa, coffees, and a plant/vintage shop

things i learned from this season:

it’s so essential for me to find stillness 
to stop and listen 
to rest when needed
and make space to play and create. 
how precious hugs are 
the beauty of candlelight 
and kindness from strangers 
and just being in the presence of my immediate family 
all of us together cooking and drinking mulled wine and munching on cheese boards
and how much i miss my niece and nephew (they live in cincinnati)
seeing snowflakes dance all day outside on christmas eve + day were all i needed 
parks: “my wish came true!! santa made my snow wish come true!”
along with visiting my grandma, who is 91 (most special part of maybe this whole year for me)
i took a rapid covid test and was able to spend the morning of christmas eve with her
something i know i will always remember
it was emotional for her, my mom, and i 
the snowflakes started at the end of our visit.

a vintage clothing rack dream

this season was so sweet and it will go into that special place inside, where i record all that i hold dear. 

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