simply loving

i feel like a lot has happened around here in the last two weeks since parks turned five … yet that gold balloon is still kickin’. a lot of paint, a lot of online school assignments, a lot of kissing boo boo’s from time spent inside and at home. oh, the weight this past year has held. the weight that mothering in general carries, and will always carry… seems to be even heavier now.
but, things are helping, every day. the small joys, the saving-graces.

simply loving | 

01. our home. it’s been a wild ride- sunday marks six months since we found this house and started to buy/sell/take on projects…and we are all absolutely loving it. yet very ready to hopefully take february off to focus on my vintage goods business, to spend time outside, to cook, to walk, and explore. 
02.  the sunshine (i love winter here) 
03. tv shows: pretend it’s a city, night stalker, schitt’s creek, and blown away (all on netflix) 
04. picnics (both inside and outside) 
05. starting to thrift again 
06. my bando planner 
07. all the candles and lamps 
08. the golden hour of winter light
09. kombucha 
10. my desk area- tucked tightly next to a side window 
11. a small dusty pink rose plant 
12. putting nash to sleep at night 
13. holding space
14. the paint color: ball and twine (sherwin williams) 
15. a light pumpkin nail color 
16. plantain chips
17. the moon 
18. npr’s best books for 2020
19. our driveway 
20. my dad retired earlier this month and i recently watched a video that people from his company made for him. as tears streamed down my face, i listened to the stories, the memories, the impact he made. they talked about his gentle and humble ways of leading. and how he was always there; the way he believed in people and how he took the time for all. and i have never felt so proud. 

be well. be safe. be kind
enjoy your weekend 
and thank you for being here

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