borrowed words

“If the month of June was your friend

If June was your friend, she’d be like a breath of fresh air. You’d call her when you were about to lose your mind. Come over, she’d say, and when you arrived, she’d guide you straight to the porch, pour you a cold drink, bring out a plate of crackers and cheese, You’d feel like you could exhale, finally, around June. You’d tell her everything because she never judged. She’d make you feel calm and energized at the same time. I’m so lucky to know you, she’d say, after you wondered if you had overshared, and you’d feel good about your mere existence. Same, you’d say, because it did feel like Luck had written your name down, sent June to earth for people just like you.”


and a few photos from a magical time in charleston, south carolina (my favorite u.s city!) with my hometown friends last weekend | 

happy june to you

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