a mood board | august edition

“so why does our writing matter, again? they ask. because of the spirit, i say. because of the heart. writing and reading decrease our sense of isolation. they deepen and widen and explained our sense of life: they feed the soul. when writers make us shake our heads with exactness of their prose and their truth, and even make us laugh about ourselves or life, our buoyancy is restored. we are given a shot at dancing with, or at least clapping along, with absurdity of life, instead of being squashed by it over and over again. – anne lamott from bird by bird
hello! i am now on day two of my thirty-day miracle morning challenge and am truly enjoying doing this with a few others… it’s been so motivational, knowing that others are up bright and early and are hopefully experiencing something similar.  i am already feeling more renewed to create, to share, and to take in each day. i hope if you are joining me, you are feeling the same way.  

last night in the bathtub, parks said his name for the first time… and then when i was putting him in his crib, he said, ‘i love you… i love you.’ probably the best thing i have ever heard. simply ever. he will usually attempt any word that you ask him (for the most part) but has never even tried his name. 
my mood board for august | 

and because ‘olive june’ was born in august… here is a mood board for her |
thank you all again for all of the love about my recent rebrand of this space… you all were so kind.

and so much love about my new boutique yesterday- you all make my heart happy with your support + prayers + encouragement. here is a favorite top from my new line at the moment

we had a family day last saturday… a few things around our home and then out at a local brewery together. i got these vintage oshkosh overalls for $3.99 at a local consignment store… so nostalgic, right? i shared my finds on instagram 
…what about you…
what would your mood board look like this month? 
previous mood boards | 

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