november intentions

“be enough
for yourself first
the rest of the world can wait.”

a look back at my october intentions // 
01. work on eating more of a plant-based diet – any tips? *moving this to november 
02. add two collections to ‘olive june vintage’ 
03. the boys’ baby books 
04. decorate our front porch for fall 
05. fall nature crafts with the boys 
06. daily walks (at least two miles) + yoga several times per week *not daily but we did walk more
07. pumpkin patch + apple picking with our family
08. an early morning ritual 
09. read at least two books from the library (after the end and the flatshare)
10. a date with my husband
11. mini fall house purge to get ready for the holidays
12. church weekly + at least one act of kindness per week 
13. story time with nash
14. pack parks’ lunch the evening before school *i was better but not consistent 
15. try a new spot in our city 
16. go to bed before 11pm *again, better but did not meet this/it’s so hard as a night owl
17. get back to the laundry schedule highlighted in our winter rhythm 
18. focus on my self more: challenge myself to begin and sustain healthy routines that take care of my mind, heart, body, and soul. 
november intentions // 
01. main focus: on healthy eating + workouts + morning ritual + being present + gratitude
02. finish home purge 
03. read two books
04. two collections to olive june vintage 
05. date night with my husband 
06. shopping ban (only gifts/from an approved list) 
07. really chasing slow/being intentional this month: limited evening events + capping outings 
08. church + acts of kindness
09. more sleep and more water
what are your intentions for this month?
wishing you a wonderful one

Comments (2)

  • Rachel Nicole

    November 6, 2019 at 7:23 pm

    Love your intentions! A tip I have for you regarding packing lunches the night before…I have to pack two lunches three times a week (I can't even imagine life when I have to pack FOUR!!!), and I've found that if I do it while I'm prepping dinner or even right when the kids get home from school, it's more likely to get done. I've been good about doing it the night before since our mornings are so hectic, but if I save it until after the kids go to bed, I'm doing it very begrudgingly, so I try to do it earlier in late afternoon/early evening and then I don't have to worry about it!

    1. nelle monaco

      November 8, 2019 at 12:10 am

      thank you, love. and that is a great idea!! i know some people who make all of them on Sunday afternoon for the week – which requires a lot of lunch boxes… and so excited for you (four- so amazing) hope you're feeling well. xo

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