a mudroom diy + living a simpler life

we have a small mudroom next to our kitchen
with a built-in that i love
i have been wanting to add a fun print to the lower cubbies for awhile now
i found this paper at world market
florals + birds = perfect for our home
my dad was able to install the paper over the weekend
by measuring the pieces and using double back tape to adhere
{so that we can always change it down the road}
i love the way it turned out!

+ keeping it simple
ever since i can remember, i have always felt the need to fill my plate extra high. i have no idea as to why. i suppose it is a part of my makeup; who i am. i always feel the need to have things in their proper place and love to have a list written down. i am always tidying up and everything seems pretty great until not far down the road utter burnout occurs.
… this happened recently.
i feel like i tried so hard last fall to accomplish so much that some things around our house took a back burner.
from baby showers, to travels, to teaching school, to writing thank you notes {so thankful}, to working out, to blogging, to decorating the nursery/organizing baby gear, to loving on mr. monaco, to birthing classes, to holiday parties, to gifts, and wrapping, and celebrating- it all became a little too much.
last week, my mom and i cleaned out closets and sent tons {and tons} to good will and i am almost confident that the trash guy wasn’t a fan of me last friday at pick-up!!
now i feel lighter. less tense. i feel free.

i learned more than ever that simplifying leads to satisfaction. i feel more at peace and more content with my surroundings.
so this is my new goal.
i am thinking about starting a series about it. would you be interested?
i want to live a simpler life. i want my kids to feel love and appreciate quiet moments more than wanting materialistic goods. i want them to be kind {more than anything}, patient, and open-minded. i want them to find joy in the simple things.

we live in a fast pace world that often criticizes moms for staying at home. we value independent and successful lifestyles; whereas, domestically focused ones are often overlooked. i am trying to tell myself that as a current stay at home mom there is no need to fill up my agenda just to feel worthy and valuable. while i plan to do playdates and outings, there is something about the quiet moments at home spent doing less exciting things that make me feel more whole.
along with simplifying, i want to focus on switching over to non-toxic cleaners and home products- any advice? i am going to a class next week about essential oils and can’t wait to incorporate these into our lives more as well.
i want our home to be organized yet simple and cozy. home is an important place for me. something that i take a lot of pride in. i am telling myself that quality is better than quantity and that savoring these precious moments with my first babe are what life is really all about at this moment in time.

because these precious baby feet won’t stay this way forever.

quiet mornings
have you simplified your life?
what process did you take and what do you recommend?

Comments (6)
February 17, 2016 at 10:03 pm
Oh wow that paper brightened up that pretty space!! =)
I've been trying to live simpler as well. I've been trying to accomplish at least one thing a week and purge as much as I can to the trash or goodwill!! Asking for my husband's help has really helped!! Best wishes on your simplifying journey!
nelle monaco
February 18, 2016 at 5:35 pm
thank you! i loved it and can't wait to possibly change it out throughout the years! and thank you for the awesome advice!! 🙂 my husband as been so helpful- i am so grateful for that.
Alonda Tanner
February 17, 2016 at 10:40 pm
Love that mud room!! I'm kind of inspired now! I'm goin g b to see if I can put together something like this for our walk way.
nelle monaco
February 18, 2016 at 5:35 pm
thank you so much and i am so glad!! 🙂 i would love to see it if you do! good luck and have a great day
marla young
February 18, 2016 at 6:12 am
I think keeping an organized home helps with living simpler. I've really enjoyed The Minimalists podcasts for great tips.
nelle monaco
February 18, 2016 at 5:36 pm
i totally agree and THANK YOU! i am getting into podcasts lately and can't wait to check this out! have a great one
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