Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed pellentesque nibh enim, quis euismod enim lacinia nec. Phasellus quam diam, semper in erat eu, efficitur molestie purus. Sed a elementum mi. Sed interdum mattis risus, sit amet eleifend ligula luctus ut. Sed ullamcorper lorem aliquam,…
Modern architecture trends
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed pellentesque nibh enim, quis euismod enim lacinia nec. Phasellus quam diam, semper in erat eu, efficitur molestie purus. Sed a elementum mi. Sed interdum mattis risus, sit amet eleifend ligula luctus ut. Sed ullamcorper lorem aliquam,…
may intentions
it dawned on me earlier this week that i totally forgot to do an ‘april intentions’ post … with everything going on, it honestly didn’t cross my mind last month. lately, i am trying to live more out of intent and less out of habit.…
an outdoor family movie night
this post contains affiliate links . thank you so much for supporting this blog “today i will trust beyond the borders of what i can see, and have the courage to believe in what is greater than me.” -morgan harper nichols this past weekend we…
strawberry fields
a morning with my boys at carrigan farms we spent this morning picking strawberries at a nearby farm and after everything these past few months… it felt pretty magical. we slowly wandered around the rows of luscious greens; the ripe strawberries were overflowing. parks was very…
a grateful heart
“I worked so hard to be liked and wanted so badly to be loved, only to have each attempt pruned back by the insensitivity of a world that wouldn’t slow down. Once I could drop down below the pain of my loneliness I came to…
borrowed words nearer “If you want to get warm you must stand near the fire: if you want to be wet you must get into the water. If you want joy, power, peace, eternal life, you must get close to, or even into, the thing…
easter memories
“Easter spells out beauty, the rare beauty of new life.” -s.d gordon yesterday was a simple easter and was one we will probably never forget. we missed our loved ones dearly and thought of them often. there were phone calls and texts and a zoom…
light a candle . be still
be still and know that i am with you. psalms 46:10 last time in his high chair we have been baking all the things this week: biscuits, cookies, and banana bread walking through our neighborhood . camp north end we were the only ones there…