Why I Wake Early “Hello, sun in my face. Hello, you who make the morning and spread it over the fields and into the faces of the tulips and the nodding morning glories, and into the windows of, even, the miserable and crotchety- best preacher…
disney world | memories + little tips
“they say if you dream a thing more than once, it’s sure to come true.” -sleeping beauty this past weekend, my husband and i took parks to disney world to celebrate his 4th birthday. the whole trip was a dream. truly. the one-on-one time with…
valentine’s day traditions for kids
a few years ago, my husband and i decided to make a valentine’s day tradition that fits us and our current lifestyle- a six pack of local beer, thai takeout and a movie; a date night in. last year we watched the mr. rogers documentary, which…
memories of turning four
this post contains affiliate links . thank you so much for supporting this blog yesterday we celebrated our sweet parks turning four it was pretty simple and full of his favorite things highlights for his momma: “my birthday makes me happy” and as i was…
happy fourth birthday, parks james
“our love is unconditional we knew it from the start i see it in your eyes you can feel it from my heart” -george strait dear parks james, today you are four. i love you. so very much. you are my sunshine day and night.…
my word of the year
january | “the comfort of reclusion, the poetry of hibernation.” – marcel proust over the past few years, i have really taken a step back and have gradually simplified life, with small baby steps; a continuous journey. i feel like motherhood can do that. at least it has for…
january intentions
“the ache for home lives in all of us. the safe place where we can go as we are and not be questioned.” -maya angelou happy new year and thank you so much for being here wishing you all a peaceful and prosperous year ahead-…
our christmas cards + favorite traditions
give warmth “in a world that often feels so cold that so many, may choose to be the ones to give kindness to thoese who may not have many reminders that kindness still exists.” -mnh favorite christmas traditions | + cutting down a tree…
in my city | covet atelier
covet atelier . charlotte, north carolina last saturday, i ventured over to plaza midwood, an eclectic area outside of uptown, for a fun pop-up in the most beautiful boutique. covet atelier is a shop that focuses on curating goods and supporting makers/artisans in the carolinas. …