this view on May really spoke to me | If the month of May was your friend
tell your children
“Tell your childrenwho you were before them. Teach them your middle name and how you spentsummers as a kid. Tellthem what your biggestand craziest dreams were, what you liked to do afterschool. Teach yourchildren all about you and share all those moments with them.” -Jessica Jocelyn
simply loving
simply loving | 01. a cream flowy dress for summer02. new trader joe’s products for april 03. some of my favorite instagram accounts/homes have been featured on homeworthy lately and it’s been the best! 04. rosie’s little yellow shoes 05. dried floral front door wreaths06. these energy balls…
borrowed words
Picture this. You’re eighty years old, sitting in the coziest chair looking out the window at the most beautiful day. You’re remembering all that happened in your life so far. All of your favorite moments. All the times you laughed, cried, cheered, felt sad, and…
our easter memories
we had the sweetest easter at home with our little family this year. it was full of sunshine, curated baskets, all the eggs, a beautiful church service, appetizers on the deck/a nap, and a delicious dinner. here are some snapshots form our day- to always…
an easter basket for rosie
today i am sharing a sneak peek of rosie’s easter basket. i am still working on the boys’ baskets and have found a few things for her since photographing this basket. i just love, love to curate an easter basket and wanted to share what…
love day memories
memories i always want to remember | + my boys finishing their cards for classmates- signing each with “NASH” in uppercase letters + love when you’re all grown up is something profound- it’s beginnings and endings. it’s singing to my darling girl before bed and…
simply loving
01. neighborhood walks at night (right after dinner) with parks 02. hazelnut flavored black coffee03. the paint color, ‘setting plaster’ by farrow and ball 04. all of the french bakeries around 05. the movie, good grief on netflix (so beautiful, so raw, so lovely.) 06.…