give harmony “may we be the ones who remind others of the beautiful music we can make when we bring our voices together.” –mhn some of my favorite moments + stories shared this year | january | parks turned three . a snow day . becoming february…
a grateful heart
“put soul into everything.” a grateful heart // 01. tiny glimpses of the country. i snapped the photo above on our trip to the tree farm (from the car window) earlier this month because it reminded me of simpler days. i often dream of living…
borrowed words
i saw these words this morning and thought i would share. even though i have felt tired and often worn out this month, these words also felt so very true… “no, we don’t need more sleep. it’s our souls that are tired, not our bodies.…
nash charles | eighteen months
today our baby turns eighteen months old. ‘nash charlie’ – you are what we dreamt of and i am so glad that i get to raise you, to love you, to guide you, to support whoever you become. you have grown so much, our darling…
december intentions
snow was falling, so much like stars filling the dark trees that one could easily imagine it’s reason for being was nothing more than prettiness. -mary oliver a look back at my november intentions // 01. main focus: on healthy eating + workouts + morning…
christmas touches
we started to deck our home with christmas pieces this week. i really like to use bits of nature, sentimental/vintage items, along with small and sustainable items that can be packed up easily. we only have two bins of christmas decor and i am hoping…
holiday traditions | cedar lake tree farm
this past sunday, we woke up really early in ohio and traveled back to the pines of north carolina. we arrived at our favorite tree farm around noon for one of my very favorite traditions. we fell in love with cedar lake tree farm in…
st. anne the tart | dayton, ohio
annie dillard wrote, “how we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives.” i would love to look back and know that i didn’t always race for productivity but that i walked towards presence more often than not. i want to always…
gentle reminders
st. anne the tart . dayton, ohio / 11.26.19 “think about where you were last year. think about the things that used to worry you so much that no longer consume your mind and time: the relationship that wasn’t healthy, the stress of what this…