“never forget how wildly capable you are.” a look back at my august intentions // 01. focusing on unplugging and looking at my children’s faces + strangers faces … what they are feeling, what they need. 02. purging + rearranging our home 03. read at least two books …
things i always want to remember | 1 and 3.5 years old
there aren’t many things i love more than a baby in a bonnet parks’ first day of three’s . september 4, 2019 for parks | + your love for school and your friends and your teachers and your ‘pack pack’ – you had the best…
an afternoon at the carnival
we spent this past sunday afternoon at a local festival with the boys; a fun way to send off this special summer; a summer where the boys became even closer – the first one where they were both mobile to play with one another. i…
five diffuser blends for august
we have been weaving essential oils into our everyday rhythm for awhile now – ways to calm and heal and create rituals for our family. they purify our home and nurture our bodies. i have enjoyed exploring different blends and salves and mixtures. they have…
childhood magic | 15 natural activities
when i was a little girl, i spent most of my childhood outside. well, outside and at the local library. i played in barns and creeks until the streetlights came on, rode my bike until my legs couldn’t move, swam with friends, explored local lakes,…
a grateful heart
“the thankful heart and a praying mind are the revealer of the secrets of beauty.” ― toba beta it’s a muggy summer morning in mid august and i am writing this post from a local coffee shop; a new one that i just discovered near…
an afternoon at the park
august 12 . 2019 i have been thinking so much lately about the delicacy of our life right now. i find myself studying my boys in a way that has become so essential; a way for me to get through the days with more joy…
a grateful heart
perhaps in the waiting you are doing more than merely waiting but you are growing in the way you were meant to you are finding that Light shines on you strengthening you for the season you are in reminding you over and over again life…
mindful practices
‘When your world moves too fast and you lose yourself in the chaos, introduce yourself to each color of the sunset, Reacquaint yourself with the earth beneath your feet. Thank the air that surrounds you with every breath you take. Find yourself in the appreciation…