scenes from her first birthday on july 19, 2023we went to a oh-so-lovely tea house with one of her godmothers i will share those scenes soon … it was something i hope to do every year with her. next time, she can carry a doll baby and…
borrowed words
You will find your people.The ones that make you feel like you belong. The ones that feel like sunshine. The ones that just get you. The ones you can dance all night with. The ones you can sit in silence with. The ones that lift…
simply loving
01. your favorite song02. watching lighting bugs dance over the bean field behind my parents’ house and my boys run to catch them 03. this playlist 04. tomato on sourdough 05. midwest summer sunsets 06. connecting with old friends07. being in my hometown for my…
a reflection | forty trips around the sun
i wrote this on the evening of my birthday | june 25, 2023
june intentions
“It was June, and the world smelled of roses. The sunshine was like powered gold over the grassy hillside.” ― Maud Hart Lovelace
simply loving
01. oil paintings of waterways 02. fresh peonies – a venmo sent from a friend during a hard week encouraged me to buy fresh flowers + a bottle of rose03. sitting underneath the shade trees and reading 04. peaches and watermelon and mint tea and matcha and…
because love grows where my rosemary goes
may 31, 2022revisiting a memory
how to know it’s may
on top of gingham blankets, croissantsiced chai latteslilac branches first watermelon slices lavender hydrangeas, white tulips, soft rose peonieson our deck, pink winefree blooming;a memorial month of mediative remembering,love is for alwaysyet goodbyes are tender midnight moonsgeese callsspring greensbirdsongs how do you know it’s may
simply loving
01. nash’s last day of preschool was this past thursday, may 25 – his teacher tenderly looked at me and said, “i love this kid.” and it was all the feels02. his artwork from the year was also – all the feels!03. jazz music playing…