“the world will tell you how to live, if you let it. don’t let it. take up your space. raise your voice. sing your song. this is your chance to make or remake a life that thrills you.” ― shauna niequist, present over perfect: leaving behind frantic for…
summer fun travel tips with evenflo | flying with a toddler
thank you to Evenflo for kindly sponsoring this post. all opinions are 100% honest & completely my own. happy summer! bring on the travels~ any fun trips coming up? traveling is fun but with young children, it can also be challenging and stressful. today, i…
and i thought i loved you then
june 29, 2013 four years ago~ a gorgeous summer day in uptown charlotte, i married the most genuine, kindest person i have ever known. i know God brought him into my life and i know he’s my true love. now we are mom and dad to the…
thirty-four candles
yesterday, i turned another year older and it was one i think i will always remember. last fall i wrote about my most memorable birthdays (here) but this one is right up there. it was simple, spent with my boys, and full of love. i have…
a first birthday party | sweet bunny love
my cousin, megan, and her family were just here visiting from colorado. like i mentioned yesterday, we truly enjoyed their visit and parks is missing his buddy, stella mae, lots today. from the moment i saw photos of stella’s first birthday garden party in may, i knew…
a mood board | june edition
“what kills a soul? exhaustion, secret keeping, image management. and what brings a soul back from the dead? honesty, connection, grace.” -shauna niequist june mood board hello. hope your week is going well. i have so, so many things to share with you all. it’s…
gia & the blooms | cincinnati, ohio
-my favorites of all the blooms- my sister recommended using gia & the blooms for her baby shower- and i am glad i agreed. it was the most charming experience… so i thought i would share with you all. the owner, yulia, has a background…
a grateful heart
“if you want to change the world- go home and love your family.” – mother teresa parks and i got back to charlotte early last evening after a trip back to my home state of ohio. we spent time both in my hometown and in…
currently | june edition
remember- “God always keeps his promises” (always) shipping a few packages before leaving charlotte yesterday -fresh flowers form a local farmer’s market- planning | my sister’s baby shower (well almost done with the planning and ready to celebrate that sweet thing- the shower is this…