today’s prompt is to share what ice cream flavor we would be? i would pick strawberry cheesecake with sprinkles! + the strawberry represents the fact that i try to be sweet to the people around me- being kind to others (always) is very important to…
parks james | eight months
on september 15, this little lovebug turned eight months old! seven months was the fastest one yet. every month gets better and better. i have been soaking up my days with him and am thankful every day for the chance. when i look back on…
things i wish more people believed
– you are important and you are enough. – how the ocean can cure any mood; the waves can soothe and the sand grounds. – unless someone really does you wrong, forgive them. be the better person and clear your heart. i believe that everyone deserves…
favorite blog posts + a grateful heart
today’s prompt was to share some of our favorite blog posts from the past. here are a few i wanted to share with you all today: a nursery tour a bohemian woodland baby shower parks james | a birth story saying goodbye to my classroom…
my adventure is you
“life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.” (via) i felt you you were a sesame seed, a lemon, a pumpkin, then suddenly a watermelon i sang to you there were times when i didn’t feel ready i played you peaceful piano music every…
a mood board
it’s no secret that i love a fun mood board. today i am sharing some of my current loves. bring on crisp days, neutrals, and gold pumpkins. september vibes yesterday i completed a diy project; a new wreath for our front door. i honestly love…
switching places | natalie freeman
today’s prompt is to share someone we would love to switch lives for a day with… i would choose natalie freeman of ‘natalie creates.’ she is a blogger and a general store owner living on a small farm in arkansas. she inspires me daily with her…
three books + favorite instagrammers
+ recently read | you are a badass by jen sincere – so, so awesome. i love these types of books; books that leave you wanting to become the best-version-of-yourself. this one was excellent. she shares hilarious + inspiring stories and easy exercises for creating a…
if i could travel anywhere
i hope you had a great week and welcome back to my blogtember challenge. today we were encouraged to share where we would travel to if we could go anywhere. i had the honor of teaching fifth graders in germany + traveling throughout europe ten…