gift ideas for the new mom becoming a new mom is a very tender time; it brings exhaustion, pain, confusion, vulnerability, and tears- but it’s so magical at the same time. one of the things i was most blown away by when we brought parks…
link love + giveaway winner!
hope you had a great weekend! we enjoyed a visit from my best friend forever, renee, and a baby sprinkle for another ‘hometown/now carolina’ girlfriend yesterday. if you follow me on instagram and snapchat {nellemonaco} you probably saw some glimpses. we enjoyed some healthy food…
a charlotte spotlight | the secret gardens of fourth ward tour
a few weeks ago, i was invited to the secret gardens of the fourth ward tour in uptown charlotte and i am so glad that i decided to go… it was a lovely day. first of all, the weather was absolutely ideal~ about 75 and…
being more present | on social media balance
{‘vintage’ nelle- she was happy, had a wild imagination, and loved her momma } lately, i see our world changing more than i ever thought it would. we are pondering and questioning and ridiculing one another more and more all the time. so much. and…
a spring picnic
the weather has been so beautiful and bright here in charlotte this spring. i have been wanting to take lunch to the park for a picnic so yesterday for memorial day we packed up the baby and headed uptown. one of the many things i…
a nordstrom sale | favorite picks under $100
hi! hope your weekend is going well! we had a great time with my friend, lori, and her precious family last night. we went to a brewery and then a rooftop restaurant for dinner. their three kids were all so good… and so cute. i…
healthy living goals + a giveaway
hi! hope your friday is going well… it’s a beautiful day here in charlotte. so excited to hang out with a lifelong friend and her husband/kids this weekend. i have mentioned that lately mr. monaco and i are striving to live a better lifestyle. i…
a summer bucket list + healthy skin
summer is so close… i can taste the sunshine, colorful days, and adventures. {it’s actually my least favorite season, but i am going to soak up the fun days. i know… i am crazy. my order is: fall, spring, winter, summer. i am not a…
fifteen smoothie bowl recipes
antioxidant packed raspberry smoothie bowl | the clean dish on mother’s day, i discovered my newest food love in greenville, south carolina. my friend, renee, introduced me to a smoothie bowl at southern pressed juicery. it was instant love. i had been wanting to try…