good morning… i hope you had a nice weekend! our weekend had its up and downs. we have had an outpouring of love and messages from family and friends {and my amazing instagram family- i love you all, too} regrading our first trip to the…
natalie’s mom’s night out – celebrate motherhood
i felt so honored to be able to attend natalie’s {of at home with natalie} ‘mom’s night out’ last saturday evening. it was so lovely- full of spirituality and creativity. everyone was so friendly and welcoming and the atmosphere was just so beautiful. it was…
22 things to do when you have nothing to do
{i shared my nook on #thedarlingdetails this week on instagram– come join the community!} as a i new mom of only about seven weeks, when i do have a few moments of ‘me time,’ my head races with ideas of what to do… sometimes i…
march goals
+ friends + family: – attend book club – spend quality time with my mom when she visits this month – meet up with friends i have not seen since baby arrived + romance + love: – go on a date – leave little notes…
bitty baby bonnets
there is something about baby bonnets that is so lovely and gets me every single time. baby parks has three bonnets and i just love, love them on his cute little head. i have a thing for anything knitted… but there are so many beautiful…
a grateful heart + weekend snapshots
this weekend was one for the books. i have been reflecting on it a lot and feel like the holy spirit has been wrapped around me lately. {he definitely was during my labor and delivery!} however, i have felt him a lot lately. one thing…
currently {2.26.16}
thinking | about how much my life has changed over the past few weeks {in a good way}. six weeks ago today i was embracing parks for the first time and now he’s over eleven pounds and is smiling and giggling away. i had my postpartum…
remembering the first week of parks james
parks monaco was born a gentle soul. it was one of the first things i noticed about him when they put him on my chest for the first time. he felt so exquistedly tender; so very calm. when i look back at the first week…
three date ideas
yesterday i mentioned that we went on our first post baby date last friday. we went to a super fun, delicious and chic restaurant in uptown charlotte for cocktails and dinner. we enjoyed one another’s company so much and really took in the night {i mentioned how…