we recently did a motherhood session with a photographer who took photos of parks and i right before nash was born + when the boys met for the first time in the hospital. she is wonderful and captured this season for us so well. forever…
borrowed words
Blossom by Mary Oliver In Aprilthe ponds openlike black blossoms,the moonswims in every one;there’s fireeverywhere: frogs shoutingtheir desire,their satisfaction. Whatwe know: that timechops at us all like an ironhoe, that deathis a state of paralysis. Whatwe long for: joybefore death, nightsin the swale – everything…
an easter tablescape
we returned home from a week by the sea in florida late saturday and then enjoyed a quiet day at home for easter with just our little family. it was nice to go at our own slower pace and soak in all the goodness of…
borrowed words
“Mama, it all matters. You know what their favourite food,snacks and ice cream flavours are.You know how they like their veges and fruit cutand you make sure nothing touchesanything else on the plate. You can tell when they are grumpy that they just need a cuddle, some food…
an easter basket for parks + nash
we are about a month away from easter and i have been enjoying putting together the baskets for the boys for this spring. it’s one of my favorite holiday traditions and i usually try to collect as winter comes to an end. in case you…
gender of our baby | the sweetest surprise
we have decided this time to be surprised with the gender of our baby. and it has been so beautiful. the thought of each brings such a deep sense of peacei loved the moment we found out with each one of our boys and the…
simply loving
“The wonderful thing about praying is that you leave a world of not being able to do something and enter God’s Realm where everything is possible. He specializes in the impossible. Nothing is too great for His almighty power. Nothing is too small for his…
my 2021 reading challenge
at the beginning of 2021, i set a goal to read 40 books for the year. and it happened!! here is my list and ratings for each | 01. The Midnight Library by Matt Haig (3/5 stars)02. Wabi-Sabi Welcome by Julie Pointer Adams (5/5 stars)…
a baby on the way | come mid-summer
with a new yearcomes new life after seven heartbreaking seasons of waiting and hoping and praying we are so excited to welcome a baby come mid-summerwith the fireflies that signal mid-summer, the shells, the rose bushes, the quiet air so deeply in loveand so very grateful-to be…