how far along? | 21 weeks due date: january 14, 2016 baby’s size | a pomegranate {10.5 inches and 12.7 ounces – but he was 14oz on 8.21.15 so that is wrong- #bigboy} via via gender | a baby boy! feeling | honestly? exhausted. teaching/standing on my feel all day is…
conquer that funk + a weekend in greenville snapshots
we all have times when we feel stuck, discouraged, or even depressed. some people get this way in the winter, but it’s more in the summer for me. i am one of the rare people who like winter more than summer… let’s not forget i…
twelve months of bliss {august}
nothing encourages inspiration and a creative outlook like a blank canvas! so began the august twelve months of bliss prompt from emily of ember grey. i usually create an inspiration board the first week of january every year and always love the process. her prompt…
grateful heart: a mother’s love
wishing my beautiful mom a very happy birthday today! thank you for all of the love you have given me throughout my life. as we get ready to welcome our baby in january, the love of a mother has become even more clear to me.…
oh baby | twenty weeks
how far along? | 20 weeks {we are halfway- yay!!!} due date: january 14, 2016 baby’s size | baby is the size of a banana . size: well… according to ‘the bump’ app, baby is supposed to be around 10.2 oz. however, last week we learned that he’s a big boy! he was…
a grateful heart
hello! hope your week is going well… i have missed you all this week. i started my ninth year teaching middle school monday and it’s been long days and exhausted evenings {plus, our girls fantasy football draft last night! my family does one, too.…
little love of mine
i just wanted to thank you all for the prayers and love this week we had our ultrasound today and everything looked perfect!! i feel so, so relieved and my heart is beaming with joy he was a little shy {like his mom and dad…
oh baby | nineteen weeks
how far along? | 19 weeks due date: january 14, 2016 baby’s size | baby is the size of a mango | 6.0 inches and 8.5 ounces gender | a sweet baby boy!! feeling | still feeling great! i went back to work this week {students arrive monday 8.24} this is my ninth…
a “time flies” first birthday party
hi! i love sharing kids party ideas with you all! even more, i love being part of the planning process! when a good friend from home, who also lives in charlotte, asked me to help plan her son’s first birthday party, i was so happy…