this past sunday morning, we ventured a little bit outside of charlotte to a christmas tree farm in the country. it felt so good to be out, in the cool air, filled eternally with the spirit of christmas. this season is especially beautiful because it…
i am learning…
the notes section of my phone is full of quick flashes in time~ moments, a love letter to my husband, people to forgive, lyrics, books to read, funny and sweet things my boys say- it’s all there. lately, i have been using my notes section…
borrowed words
“I want to have kids and to be with the kids all the time and I want to be alone so that I can write and I want silence and peace and noise and chaos and I want to stop and rest and to keep…
a week by the shore
i recently saw this post in my draft box and wanted to post – for always. after two years of going to avalon, new jersey for a week at the shore (adore that area!), we returned to litchfield beach in south carolina this past july.…
simply loving
“you are your home.”@orionvanessa
borrowed words
“I think when we get to heaven we are going to be shocked. Things we thought were so significant and big here will be small there. Things that seemed so insignificant here will actually be big there. I bet the things that made us feel…
cozy movies for autumn
it’s cozy (and spooky) season, everybody. autumn is a time for renewal for me… summer can be really harsh here in carolina- so i usually feel alive again once late september arrives. even if the weather outside still slightly disagrees, i have decorated our house…
happy october! | a ghost cake
“Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall.”-F. Scott Fitzgerald
motherhood | thirty-five lifestyle hacks for moms
motherhood is beautiful, the most beautiful, but it’s also hard and is often full of great expectations. there are moments that test you and pull at you and leave you needing the light back again. i want motherhood to be another testament of my love.…