welcome to the second edition of ‘the guy behind the blog’ on simply love 1 // do you have a good luck charm or ritual? (like a lucky coin, or you always used to listen to a certain pump-up song when you played sports in…
happy birthday, pops
sending special birthday wishes up to ohio today to one of my most loyal and engaging blog readers happy birthday, dad! wish we could celebrate with you what is a dad? a dad is a person who is loving and kind and often he knows…
a french press morning {volume two}
hi! hope your friday is going well, sweet friends. welcome to the second stop on our simply grey coffee tour. i am joining the lovely emily at ember grey for a tour of our favorite cafes and coffee shops. please join us on the last friday…
orange harp love
today i am sharing one of my favorite apps with you available here {a free download} have you heard of the app, orange harp? {the name was derived from the co-founders’ nickname for the golden gate bridge in san franciso} … what is it? it’s…
to be alive
someone once told me to always live for the little things in life. live for the 5am sunrise and the 5pm sunset where you see all of the colors in the sky that don’t usually belong. live for road trips and bike rides with music…
farmer’s market tips
when i was younger i loved playing on my grandparent’s farm in northwest, ohio- i loved the entire atmosphere. the old white barns, whimsical trees, the animals, playing in the hay mow with my sister and cousins, and riding with my grandpa on his tractor…
a grateful heart
“notice the people who are happy for your happiness, and sad for your sadness. they’re the ones who deserve a special place in your heart.” like i mentioned yesterday, this past month has been a blessing for me it’s true- you can choose who you…
a sunday poppy – on friendships and easter baskets
i have thought a lot over the past month about the people in my life and i am proud of the people that i have allowed to get close to my heart the people i spend my time with confide in and love. they are…
sip & wear {one}
happy saturday morning to you i am really hoping to share more of my personal style with you along with exploring more unique beverages {of all kinds} and i am thinking saturday’s are a great time to explore both of these each week! are any…