a few years ago, i shared this kids memory journal idea that i heard from a mom of grown kids; something to keep next to your bed for simple, daily stories, tidbits, etc.. it’s easy and personable and something to have to reminisce- to share laughter and to cry with down…
olive june
simply loving
this is my favorite home in uptown charlotte and my mom’s as well a classic victorian with a large front porch and charming trees i see it every time i go to the post office -a small joy- i thought of her this morning listening to…
motherhood | stories lately
this post contains affiliate links | thank you so much for supporting this blog reading picture books (and movie nights) have helped us get through the winter days and nights- especially the drearier ones. these moments remain one of our most treasured times of the…
nash charles . month nine | things i always want to remember
time is passing through me like a rushing river. it was just a few hours ago we were having a dance party in our loft with a positive pregnancy test. it was just a couple minutes ago we broke down when we heard that hammering…
in case we’ve never met
this post was inspired by morgan harper nichols 01. i’m janelle marie monaco . a lot of my family members and close friends call me ‘nelle’ 02. born on june 25 03. i currently live in charlotte, north carolina 04. i have also lived in a…
neutral sweaters
rein | state the boys and i spend a lot of time thrifting . and honestly, they are both a dream when we shop together- they seem to love it as much as i do. parks is at the cutest age (i am LOVING three…
free. my bleubird february . 2019 you are free sing the song run into the wind the renewal autumn brings followed by winter’s sting spring’s newness will soon be here you yearn for the campfires of summer endless puddles to be found playing in ‘the…
a grateful heart
a grateful heart // 01. seeing an old and much loved friend 02. my oldest son, parks, cuddling up and sleeping next to me last night . he wasn’t feeling well 03. haircuts and a refreshing smoothie 04. eating bananas in bed 05. neutral, vintage…
a nephew to love | julius imoh
9:20 am mid-morning the crisp chillness in the air takes my breath away as i step out of the car in oakley a milky latte the wind is blowing quietly in route to the hospital gender still unknown a niece or a nephew to watch…