essentials for staying healthy…

today i am linking up with the talented kiki over at the blog, in its time

for her montly link-up, the circle

she is a creative and beautiful writer and i simply adore her blog

i am a huge believer in food/good nutrition being our natural medicine
-along with some sun salutations in your life-
and monthly trips to the chiropractor
as i mentioned on monday, i really need to stay healthy during our upcoming move/the holiday season
here are a few essentials that i believe in for fighting
 the common cold/staying as healthy as possible:
 i used to get sick often but have started to try remedies to build and strengthen my immune system, which seem to be helping. in fact, i rarely get sick now.
  • fluid intake: i am the teacher at my school, who is known for drinking LOTS of water and i usually have a student every year who loves to fill up my water cup constantly- without even asking. i usually treat this students at the end of the year and surprise them with a fun water cup, as a thank you. water is my favorite drink in the world; i love it and i crave it all the time. rumor has it, that’s a clear sign of being dehydrated? yet i am constantly taking it in… i think i have my mom to thank for this- you usually never find her without water by her side. so i am going to try and take in even more than i usually do in the next few weeks!
  • increasing vitamin c intake: my family also swears by emergen-c and we drink it often- especially when we start to feel run down. it contains around 1,000 mg of vitamin c in one serving and i enjoy the flavors – esp. super orange. 
  • smoothies/fresh juice: i try to drink at least one a day to boost my immune system and to fill my body with kale, spinach, oranges, berries, beets, carrots, etc. my aunts gave me a juicer at my bridal shower and i love it.

  • herbs: the following five herbs have been proven to be effective for staying healthy: thyme, licorice root, garlic, echinaceas, and elderberry extract  

  • rest. anyone who knows me well, knows this is very hard for me; however, i have been trying really hard to go to bed earlier {mr. monaco and i are hardcore night owls} and i having been trying to relax versus constantly heading out to socialize/get errands completed– basically, run around like a constant mad woman. so relaxing at home- just a little bit more- this has been nice. {but wait, i have social plans the next four nights and he surprised me tonight with a mini date {so sweet- he even opened the car doors for me} to the delicious bakersfield for tacos, guac, sangria, and class country music soon this time will be needed for packing packing and packing. so going to try and relax when i can throughout the process. as you can see already- we will see how this goes – esp. in december. 
  • let’s not forget- hot yoga: my practice has been life-changing- for every aspect- of my life.
any other advice you have?
i would love to hear it…

… again, wish me luck!
it’s such an exciting time.


Comments (13)

  • Unknown

    November 19, 2014 at 12:38 pm

    these are all so good and so essential 😉
    i've been tempted to try hot yoga but i've heard interesting things about it – especially the copious amounts of sweat haha!
    I hope you stay healthy for your move!
    Stopping by from In Its Time Circle Link up!

    1. nelle monaco

      November 24, 2014 at 1:49 am

      Hi! Thank you so much 🙂 I really appreciate you stopping in and you should try hot yoga- it's absolutely amazing in so many ways! Thank you so much for stopping in! xo

  • Anne

    November 19, 2014 at 3:33 pm

    Oh, definitely need to be doing all of these things… my little guy keeps picking up colds and giving them to me.

    1. nelle monaco

      November 24, 2014 at 1:50 am

      🙂 hope you stay healthy! your little guy too!!

  • Kiki

    November 20, 2014 at 4:38 am

    Ooh, so many great things in this list! I definitely know the need to hydrate as a teacher. It can be hard, but I've found that cute travel (and insulated!) travel mugs/waterbottles help a lot. 🙂 But I also know that I need to drink WAY more!

    And I also agree with you on smoothies–green smoothies have been my go-to breakfast since this summer and I can't do without them now. They're so good!

    And rest. DEFINITELY need that in my life! I purposefully go to bed as early as I can because I need my sleep!

    Thanks for linking up! I loved reading your list!

    p.s. I'd love to hear more about your experience/thoughts on hot yoga! I've taken two yoga classes before and do Blogilates on my own now and have heard of hot yoga but am a little scared (to be honest!) to try it out!

    1. nelle monaco

      November 24, 2014 at 1:51 am

      You are welcome- thank you for hosting! 🙂 Thank you for your sweet comment and for stopping in! Love The Circle. I did a 40 day challenge on here in Feb 2013 – but have been doing it for six years and have loved every second of my practice/I def. recommend trying!

  • Brittany

    November 20, 2014 at 1:10 pm

    A run always makes my mind feel more settled and keeps my body feeling good.

    1. nelle monaco

      November 24, 2014 at 1:51 am

      Yes 🙂 I totally agree! Thank you so much for stopping in- I really appreciate it!

  • The Lady Okie

    November 20, 2014 at 9:41 pm

    I love those emergen-c packets! It's amazing that it's so good for you and that it tastes so good! Sometimes I pour a packet into a smoothie…. double winning!

    1. nelle monaco

      November 24, 2014 at 1:52 am

      Love them- and yes, love the taste too! Thank you for stopping in- I really appreciate it!

  • Angela

    November 22, 2014 at 3:03 am

    Great tips for staying healthy!

    1. nelle monaco

      November 24, 2014 at 1:52 am

      Thank you so much, Angela and thank you for stopping in!

  • Victoria

    November 29, 2014 at 12:48 am

    You came up with a great list! My friends and family are in awe of how much water I am always drinking too. 🙂 It's my beverage of choice and I drink a lot of it. And rest…Ever since I turned 20 (four years ago), I've found that I've needed a lot more rest. I'm grateful to be a great sleeper because I almost always get the rest that I need!

    How do you take/eat your herbs? I'm interested to know more about that!

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