happy third birthday, nash charles

“speak to your children as if they are the wisest, kindest, most beautiful and magical humans on earth, for what they believe is what they become.” – brooke hampton

dear nash,
i love you. more than anything. more than wild violets, the sight of the sea, the smell of rosemary or a refreshing trip to the lake. you make my world go ’round. your golden skin and soft hair, the way you ask ‘why’ over and over, how your dark brown eyes twinkle and your hair curls ever so slightly after a warm bath make you our nash charlie; you are so lovable. your favorites at the moment are: the moon, the color yellow (and orange), neighs, tuesdays, watermelon, peppa and george, your family, monster jam trucks, blippi, snuggling with momma, the sun, excavators and garbage trucks and school buses, making others laugh, swimming, queso, going to school, rain boots, puppies, and being tickled.
you are light.
and you are almost always
you still laugh whenever the wind hits you just right. you still take my face in your hands like you’ve been trying and trying to tell me something i haven’t understood. you still prefer to sleep curled up on your side. your feet no longer fit in the palms of my hands. your toes and your cute button nose are my very favorites of all.
i love you to the moon and stars
the moon and stars
ever thine
ever mine
ever ours.
my love forever,
your mom
-your birthday eve-

favor bags | a book, a small horse, yellow play doh, lemon cookies, paw patrol stickers
tied with a horse shoe, kraft paper tag and in a pale yellow bag

nash puzzle | busy puzzle

playland in monroe, nc was so wonderful!!

his special day was pretty simple and as always, i really tried to make it as personable as i could. i just love all of this so much (the details and the celebrating of ones i love dearly) it’s in my soul. and it was so much fun celebrating him… we spent the morning at a play place with two other families and then came home and did a moon pinata in our front yard (full of starbursts!) he loved the surprise and was full of joy. after his nap, we had an intimate birthday cake/singing with our family. ever since parks’ birthday he has said, “school bus, neighs, peppa, george. no cows.” for his cake. in may, he added a few more things and then the week leading up to his birthday, he started saying, “yes! cows!!” i let him put on all of his desired toys on his cake and we sang to him and he had the biggest smile on his face. he brings my heart and life so much utter happiness because of the way he loves life and how he loves to smile and make others laugh. we ended the day with queso and his first trip to the movies (peter rabbit) – he was more into the skittles than being quiet… but these are the moments.

i usually gather and collect secondhand/vintage pieces i think they will adore over the year for the birthday table scapes

i try to have a gold number balloon ready for them – the first thing they see when they wake up
my husband, parks, and i all sang to him
his older brother even had his guitar to strum

he requested balloons
white balloons

the yellow boots were a gift from us
he opened this gift at breakfast
a breakfast of “we got all of your favorite things- just for you, nash” -parks
the start of a day;
a day i will always cherish.
and one i hope nash will, too.