happy three years, mr. monaco

To Mr. Monaco,

I just wanted to let you know how much I absolutely love you.
Thank you for being such a supportive husband.
Thank you for listening to me talk on and on sometimes  
Thank you for encouraging me with your love and concern- 
I have learned that you make a really good nurse. 
I just wanted you to know that I love you.  
That even if we have bumps in the road, we will always have each other- 
that will never ever change.
That feels so good.
Thank you for loving me without borders or exceptions.  
Thank you for loving me for who I am – genuinely and whole heartedly- always.  

You are mine forever, and I yours. 
I am so glad I met you – for sangrias and guacamole- February 24, 2011-
very glad. 
last year’s anniversary post – two years of true love 

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