light a candle . be still

be still and know that i am with you. psalms 46:10
last time in his high chair
we have been baking all the things this week: biscuits, cookies, and banana bread
walking through our neighborhood . camp north end
we were the only ones there + the boys loved running throughout (and we didn’t touch anything!)

how is your heart today?
some days i feel positive and just try to be at ease and be present
and recognize that this is our life right now.
and then somedays- i find myself with tears rolling down my face.
my love for hygge runs deep
i just started doing a few organizational projects this week (it has taken me a few weeks to process and begin). i have read that a lot of people are having a hard time reading a book (me so far) and doing regular activities. i am an introvert/homebody, but we also love to be active and socialize around the city. i miss hugging and i miss our community + loved ones.
i decided this week that i am going to light a simple white candle every morning over prayer + meditation in our kitchen . in honor of all of our family and friends who we miss dearly.
i have a feeling this may continue for many days and years to come.
vitamin-c lover
i have a thing for refrigerator photos on pinterest
so i thought i would show ours
i absolutely love adding thrifted pieces often
and seeing how others set-up theirs
what is helping?
01. my husband and i get along really well
02. candlelight
03. vinyls playing
04. fresh flowers + eucalyptus
05. zoom calls (we have a ‘party’ with friends tonight)
06. morning devotionals
07. our church
08. digging into the beautiful coffee table books we have collected over the years
09. oil blends
10. acts of kindness and friends reaching out
11. warm soup and sour dough bread
12. comfy clothes
13. a beer on our front porch
14. evening bath time for the boys (and myself)
15. yoga and walks
16. building forts
17. spotify
18. tidying toys
19. rubbing my boys’ backs and arms and legs
20. simplicity and prayer
21. sneaking in alone time whenever i can
22. sunshine + north carolina’s flower game is unbelievable
their nana and pop pop dropped off easter baskets this morning
parks: “that was the perfect surprise!”
if you celebrate,
i hope you have a wonderful holiday weekend