march intentions

february was a little less hectic and brought a little more rest. however, it also included a fun trip to cincinnati, painting the main area of our home white (it’s such a dream) and a lot of celebrating. the colder months bring an appreciation for gathering around a table by candlelight/twinkle lights- and i am just trying to savor these last moments with the warm winter light.  overall, it was a wonderful month. my husband and i focused on daily goals (going to share more about this hopefully soon) but we both noticed a lot of individual growth. it was simple, yet powerful. and i am thankful for the habit shifts.
january | vintage booth . celebrate . read
february | wellness . paint . loved ones
march | meal prepping, outdoors, closets

 a look back at february | 
01. an early morning routine / bed earlier
02. meal plan
03. a workout routine
04. paint (and SO IN LOVE)
05. call + make intentional time for loved ones 
06. wash my skin every morning and evening
07. clean out my car weekly
08. daily devotionals
09. crafts with the boys
10. stretch before bed
11. make homemade soup
“be still.
that in
the waiting
more will
be revealed.”
march intentions |
01. a morning routine
02. read four books
03. yoga + walks
04. time with girlfriends
05. spend as much time outside as possible + time daydreaming
06. clean out cars weekly
07. church + prayer + spiritual growth
08. chiropractor appointments
09. plan meals in advance
10. deep clean kitchen and organize/purge closets
11. tax prep
12. olive june vintage collections
what are your intentions for this month?

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