motherhood | thirty-five lifestyle hacks for moms

motherhood is beautiful, the most beautiful, but it’s also hard and is often full of great expectations. there are moments that test you and pull at you and leave you needing the light back again. i want motherhood to be another testament of my love. i want our days to be slow and calm and good and real and messy. in all the ways that will ever matter. our version of love. i want to be patient and slow to react and i want to be strong and brave. i want to notice when my husband has been working extra hard around our home and i want to compliment him. i want to sing songs with my children and paint kindness rocks while eating apple cider donuts on a sunday morning. little moments they will hopefully remember most. in order to create rhythms that flow, i am sharing some tips and tricks that might help ease the unwanted chaos in even the smallest way…
01. a small load of laundry every day
02. scissors to cut up food
03. teach your kids to pick-up at a young age
04. music playing in the background can brighten any mood
05. baby powder gets sand off super easy at the beach
06. ketchup underneath the hotdog on the bun (less messy)
07. keep a bin in your car with snacks your kids don’t care for for the homeless
08. when your kids are having a moment, reset. take them outside, give them water, or put them in water
09. a cordless, handheld vacuum
10. apply sunscreen to kids’ faces with a makeup sponge
11. using the phrase, “first this …. then that” . “first the sandwich, then the marshmallows.” “first three sleeps, then the mountains”
12. build a family garden- kids are more likely to eat what they grow!
13. wake up at least one hour before your kids (if possible) for some alone time
14. each kids has their own hamper… once it’s full, they carry it to the laundry room
15. color-coding clothes with dots per child
16. the ‘triangle trick’ for twisted car seats
17. frozen fruit or homemade popsicles for treats
18. a gym membership (with childcare)
19. one of these wagons for park/pool/day trips (some of my friends stick their infant car seat right in one)
20. declutter often
21. have a bin in your trunk with a change of clothes, swimsuit, beach towels, diapers, wipes, cups
22. layer kids sheets in case something happens in the middle of the night
23. shower curtain at the beach for a kiddie pool
24. run the dishwasher every single evening
25. buy an airfryer
26. each child has their own insulated water bottle to use all day, every day and only for water
27. toy rotations
28. buy all white socks
29. monthly date nights – switch off with another mom for babysitting
30. set a 10-15 minutes (depending on the mess) timer for each room you’re picking up and try to beat the time
31. bags for everything in the diaper bag
32. cheerios in the toilet for target practice for boys
33. meal planning
34. a good collection of board games – it’s a great way to make connections with your child
35. quiet time daily

try to teach them young so you can enjoy later
rhythms and routines

i hope these helped you in some way
do you have a motherhood hack you would like to share?