nash charles | eighteen months

today our baby turns eighteen months old. ‘nash charlie’ – you are what we dreamt of and i am so glad that i get to raise you, to love you, to guide you, to support whoever you become. you have grown so much, our darling boy; you are a gift to all of us. 

things i always want to remember | 
01. singing to you (baby mine is our current favorite) 
02. how you and parks chase one another down the hallway in our home – laughing and giggling 
03. laying on my chest, snuggled into me 
04. all your little words (around twenty so far) 
05. you are fearless… a sweet temperament yet very wild. 
06. i love your bright face; i love your smile 
07. you love to swing and run at the park and still enjoy the stroller and car rides (carts- not as much) 
08. how you light up when we pick up parks from school 
09. your soft skin and pudgy hands (i love to hold your hand in mine) 

moon and stars

moon and stars
a look back at parks at the same age here

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