• a mood board | august edition

    “so why does our writing matter, again? they ask. because of the spirit, i say. because of the heart. writing and reading decrease our sense of isolation. they deepen and widen and explained our sense of life: they feed the soul. when writers make us shake our heads…

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  • an august media spotlight

    here are some pop culture things i am currently loving |  audio book | the morning miracle: the not-so-obvious secret guaranteed to transform your life (before 8am) by hal elrod – one of my best friends (love you, anna) has been encouraging me to read this…

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  • olive june

    “warbel for lilac-time” by walt whitman “for spring-time is here! the summer is here! and what is this in it and from it? thou, soul, unloosen’d — the relentless after i know now what; come, let us lag here no longer, let us be up…

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  • currently

    snacking (on) | lately, my favorite snacks have been boom chicka pop popcorn (i really want to try this flavor soon!) i am also loving lightly salted almonds, carrots with guacamole, and smoothies.  anticipating | i have some big news coming to this space (hopefully next week!) so…

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  • season | summer style

    ‘but love, love equals, “i want the best for you no matter how it makes me feel.”‘ – lisa-jo baker, never unfriended {via} last fall, i started a new series on pinterest, where i highlight my style for each season. today i thought i would…

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