• merry christmas wishes

    i have tried this year, more than ever, to pause. to pause and celebrate slow living through the seasons. i have been trying to surround myself with people and things that echo the beauty of mother nature’s pace.  this year was a difficult one for…

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  • our christmas card | 2016

    i really, really enjoy christmas card season. i usually start to browse the holiday cards on minted towards the end of october; however, deciding on a design takes me usually up until the first week in december. minted is my very favorite way to send…

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  • a gift guide | shop small

    as you know, by shopping small and/or local, you are doing a blessed thing for your community and for those who work so hard behind the scenes. my parents like to give us each three gifts, in honor of the three wisemen. ‘something you need’,…

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  • our holiday home

    hello there. thank you for coming into our home and visiting today. it’s quite cold outside for the carolinas today and the three of us are keeping warm by wearing our warmest jammies and drinking peppermint tea and + hot cocoa… and watching christmas movies. marshmallows…

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  • happiness boutique

    ‘happiness is contagious’  that’s what the happiness boutique believes and so do i! when i was approached about working with this inspirational company, i was so drawn to their philosophy. my vintage inspired necklace came wrapped delicately and securely all the way from berlin, germany…

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  • life lately

    life has been busy, fun, crazy, exciting and so many other things lately. we have been truly enjoying the meshing of these seasons – autumn into winter, dewey nights into dark mornings, pumpkins into pine. it’s amazing how routine slowly begins to really bloom inside…

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