• thirty-two

    today i turn thirty-two! i will be spending the day enjoying a massage, grabbing coffee with a dear friend, reading, relaxing, and simply enjoying some quality time with some of my favorite people in my life. i can’t go by without me publicly thanking my…

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  • bento box lunches

    hi friends! i hope you have had a wonderful week. i have been traveling over the past week {we went up to the philadelphia area and had a great time – excited to share more photos soon- you may have seen a few on my…

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  • father’s day gift guide

    in need of a last minute gift for your dad? father’s day is this sunday and here are some ideas i love… i am all about some personal touches {cards, poems, photos, their favorite drink or dinner served} but also love these fun gifts, too! …

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  • a grateful heart

    my summer break officially starts tomorrow~ yay! we have some dinner dates with friends this week and then we are driving up to philadelphia {where mr. monaco is from} on thursday afternoon. we have some exciting plans for the summer and am excited to blog…

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  • summer inspirations + five books

    {summer} above are some summer inspirations   loving golds, pinks, corals, and mint green stripes, flower crowns, denim, and straw hats i am also sharing five books i hope to read this summer!  wishing you a great weekend! any exciting plans? what is on your bookcase…

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  • cinnamon french toast

    my sister and her husband were here on memorial day  we woke up, cooked breakfast, and sat on our new back porch it was probably my favorite french toast all of time. so i decided to share the recipe with you all today!  have you…

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