real simple {may edition} | a feature

one of my photos is in the @real_simple magazine may edition – and it’s such an honor!!
it’s in the “your words” column… they asked me to answer this beautiful question:
what moment in your life do you wish you had photographed:
“more of the everyday moments; the simplest ones… the expression of a loved one during a surprise, blowing out birthday candles, the moment i found out i was going to become a mother, gathering a bucket of summer cherries at the market, a family dance party in the evening light, how my children and i hum and sway after a warm bath, a gentle hug. i always want to remember the most intimate moments- the beauty that makes up our days.”
and i just realized that today was the day i found out i was going to become a mother- 5.4.2015.
my very greatest honor of all.

it’s my very favorite magazine ever… so i feel extra grateful to be featured.

what about you?
what moment would you want to be photographed?