simply gather | ‘happy anniversary’ postcards

we were coming home from a fun wedding saturday evening, when i started to have lots of feelings about not being able to see my mom and dad for their 40th wedding anniversary the next day; to honor and celebrate their beautiful marriage and everything they have always done for me and for us… when my husband said, “let’s go!!” our family loves a good road trip. so we woke up really early and arrived in ohio right after lunch. and it was the best surprise!!! just the best. so thankful for his willingness to do this adventure.
i believe these are the moments that will be the most cherished: the emotional hugs upon arriving, swimming together next to the cornfield swaying, playing baseball at dusk as tiny white butterflies danced across the lawn, a vibrant midwest sunset behind the black silhouette of the woods, the sunflowers and pumpkins growing, seeing these four cousins play with so much imagination and adoration for one another, games and coffee chats, a crackling campfire, and visiting my 92 year-old grandma the next morning. she said, “i love you both so much.” to my sister and i. and “will you come back and see me soon?” we were meant to take this trip.

the postcards were sent to loved ones of my parents for messages to be written on. i read through the ones that had arrived and they were full of memories, stories, and so much love- it was so touching. their love is something special. 

details for cards |

post card: vista print
small cards: canva
botanical stickers 

the sentimental notes, being together sunday (especially all of their grandchildren) and then hopefully a delicious, simple and intimate dinner over thanksgiving (when we will all be home next) are all my parents would ever desire for such a special occasion.

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