the monacos move – our first home {weeks seven-nine}

we didn’t get to pick the outside design and color scheme of our future home
but we both love, love, love the gray and white- with a touch of tan
it matches our vision for the inside so well.
the columns aren’t done/the right color yet
overall, we are so excited and are loving all of it- can’t wait. 

our neighbors and being silly with mr. monaco 
october 9- insulation 
…weeks eight and nine brought siding and drywall…
our city view + more neighbors 
kitchen and pantry 
kitchen and dining room 

study and outside view 
willow inspirations:

Comments (2)

  • amy johnson

    October 21, 2014 at 5:19 am

    Ahhh! Can't wait to see what you do decorate this darling place!!! So exciting for you guys. 🙂

  • Veronica Lee Burns

    October 21, 2014 at 6:09 pm

    how exciting!

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